Un bel hommage à Bernard Stiegler
We know how it sounds when the voice of those who are absent animate their words as we read them, as if from the inside of the text. How long after a disappearance is a voice activated through a ...
Autour de Hannah Arendt
We know how it sounds when the voice of those who are absent animate their words as we read them, as if from the inside of the text. How long after a disappearance is a voice activated through a ...
Que la question de l’espèce humaine soit au cœur de l’épreuve des camps, nous le rapporte, parmi d’autres mais plus que d’autres, l’ouvrage [1] de Robert Antelme. Qu’Arendt ne l’ait pas lu rend l’affinité du propos et la divergence d’analyse particulièrement...